The legal stuff

Our general policies

Below is our general policies. They contain our general operating procedures when it comes to billing, copyright and late payments.

Quoting Policy

We can and do quote jobs regularly. Because costs fluctuate, our quotes are good for 30 days, with the most recent quote we’ve given you being the one we’ll honor. Quotes older than 30 days or older than the most recent we’ve provided will be considered invalid. We strive to stay on top of industry changes with our print vendors as well as the software and hardware providers we use. Our quotes are generally very close to accurate but the final cost may be as much as 20 percent higher or lower than quoted. This is most often due to unforeseen factors, such as minor changes in deliverables, extra rounds of changes, or complications that are beyond our (and often your) ability to control.

Billing Policy

We are a small, family business and greatly appreciate prompt payment. We require thirty percent down on work for new clients and full payment in advance on printing jobs. Our billing day is the 25th of the month with payments due on receipt. We accept cash, check or ACH, Paypal, and credit card (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express). Other payment arrangements may be negotiable. Contact us to discuss your job today. 541-338-7181.

Copyrights & Deliverables

As a design company, our work is commissioned. Once we have a verbal agreement, work proceeds. We work with you to create the deliverables you desire. The final deliverables and any associated electronic files are your property and are delivered on request after payment-in-full has been received. We reserve the right to use examples of the work we’ve done for you, including deliverables and their associated electronic files, in the promotion of our business.

We generally hold electronic copies of completed work for up to 36 months after payment in-full is received and original deliverables are delivered. We hold electronic copies of completed work not paid for in-full up to 90 days, after which the work is deleted from our servers unless other arrangements have been made.

Late Payment Policy

All invoices are due on receipt unless other arrangements have been made.

As of January 1, 2025, any invoice that is unpaid for 15 days will be assessed a late fee of 10% of the total invoice balance on the 15th day past due.

Auto-payments are available for all recurring invoices. You can save your card or ACH info when you pay any recurring invoice, allowing the processing system to automatically charge your card when the next payment is due. Be aware that if your card changes for any reason, you’ll need to contact us to apply the new card to all future invoices. If you do not, you may incur a late fee if you don’t catch it fast enough. The system is set to automatically send an email if a payment fails for any reason, so you should get a notice or reminder, but we will not take responsibility for it if you do not. Ensuring payments are made on-time is your responsibility.

If payment is not received within thirty days of the due date we reserve the right to suspend all digital marketing and services, including websites, hosting, SEO, and other digital marketing services. Once payment is received, we will resume services that have been suspended.

We accept cash, check or ACH, Paypal, and credit card (Visa, Mastercard, and American Express). Contact us if you have billing questions 458-240-7089.

SMS Privacy Policy

Mud Paw Design LLC may disclose Personal Data and other information as follows:

  • Third Parties that Help Provide the Messaging Service: We will not share your opt-in to an SMS short code campaign with a third party for purposes unrelated to supporting you in connection with that campaign. We may share your Personal Data with third parties that help us provide the messaging service, including, but not limited to, platform providers, phone companies, and other vendors who assist us in the delivery of text messages.
  • Additional Disclosures: Affiliates: We may disclose the Personal Data to our affiliates or subsidiaries; however, if we do so, their use and disclosure of your Personal Data will be subject to this Policy. All the above categories exclude text messaging originator opt-in data and consent; this information will not be shared with any third parties.